Saturday, October 13, 2012

What's happening lately

As you can see I haven’t blogged much lately but I’m catching up :) This week has just been about packing and moving in to our new house. I feel sad and excited at the same time. We’ve stayed in this house for so so long and we made lots of memories here. But anyways, it’s been a long time since me and my sister went swimming. So we did the other day and took a few pictures :) I posted them at Instagram. Follow me @love_kaycee :)

The warmth of old friends...

As the years go by, I have noticed that more people come in and out of my life. But my true and best friends are the ones that stay in my heart forever. I wish over the next years, we will still get to keep in touch with each other. And when we meet all together again, we’ll laugh about the good times we shared before and make new memories again.
I miss my best friends. I love them so much. They’re the only ones that know me really well. And I am thankful and lucky to have them as my best friends. They will forever have a special place in my heart. And never will they be replaced. I always try not to lose touch with them. We’d always leave each other messages and chat in our group message. It’s sad that some of them don’t get to go online often. But they do leave messages when they get to. I’m getting to see them this December. We’ve been through a lot together and I do hope we can hang out again like before! :)  I miss you Farrah, Pearl, Laica, Pats, Tani, Zes.
And my very old friends there from elementary until 2nd year high school. I never forgot the memories I had shared with them. I will never ever forget them. I’ve been with them since 4th grade until 2nd year high school. We still get to talk with each other through Facebook, and I’m thankful for that. I wish to spend some time with them again. I miss you Roxanne, Kristal and Maui.
First picture is reblogged from cutepageprincess from tumblr

Friday, October 5, 2012

Paws on my piano

Hello everyone! How have you been doing? I’ve been up to playing new songs on the piano. Right now I’m about to finish learning River flows in you by Yiruma. It’s such a beautiful song. I’m actually listening to it every day (even now) so that it’ll be easier for me to learn the song. I might record myself again. haha :) And Piper is so sweet while I play the piano, sometimes she sits beside me and sometimes she just sit on the table near me and fall asleep. I think me playing the piano makes her fall asleep.  haha! :)
Anyway I’m always looking for new songs to play. Do you guys have anything wonderful to recommend? ;)
Hello everyone! How have you been doing? I’ve been up to playing new songs on the piano. Right now I’m about to finish learning River flows in you by Yiruma. It’s such a beautiful song. I’m actually listening to it every day (even now) so that it’ll be easier for me to learn the song. I might record myself again. haha :) And Piper is so sweet while I play the piano, sometimes she sits beside me and sometimes she just sit on the table near me and fall asleep. I think me playing the piano makes her fall asleep.  haha! :)

Here’s some love for October!

It’s a new month and that always means new beginnings for me. It’s time when I think of what I want my month to look like. And it just gives me so many positive thoughts.  This month’s gonna be totally different. We’ll be moving to a new house but still on the same compound. We just really need another room. Too bad a 4-bedroom house isn’t available for us here so we’re going to move to a 3-bedroom house and I still have to share with someone :( I can’t do anything else but just design my room to my liking. I already have my ideas for the room and I’m also starting to pack my things. I am going to miss this house. We’ve been here for so so long. Ever since my sister was little.
Anyway, I love this time of the year. I love Autumn. It’s my favorite season because it’s not too hot and not too cold. For some places, Fall already started at September. But it was still hot here then. And I think it’ll start getting cold here this month :) I’m excited to wear thick & cozy jumpers, wear gloves, beret, drink hot chocolate, layer my clothes, wear socks to bed.. Let’s embrace and welcome this month with love and excitement ♡